Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Currently

This week I've decided to take my favorite sentances from poems just to add some variety.
"Someone spoke to me last night,
told me the truth."

This sentance comes from the poem "Dust" by Dorianne Laux. The reason this is a favorite sentance of mine is because the truth is sometimes hard to come upon now a days.

"Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine
Meanwhile the world goes on."

Mary Oliver, wrote this in the poem "Wild Geese", this is a good sentance because for me, I interperet it to be that the character in the poem is offering support for someone or something."

And my  last, but of course not least favorite sentance comes from the poem "First Kiss" by April Lardener.

"He imagines he knows her
after four dates, both of them taking pains
to laugh correctly, to make eyecontact."

This sentance to me is almost ironic. It symbolizes the start of dating and in my opinion it doesn't matter how many first or beginning dates a person goes on, they all start out like this.

Also, this week I have read 214 pages which brings my semester total to 1,535.

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