Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tweak follow up and other stuff

This weekend I finished Tweak by Nic Sheff. This has to be my favorite biography/ memoir ever written. Nic finally accepted the help he needed and made an honest attempt to start healing and repairing the relationships that he destroyed. I was so intrigued with Nic that I found his online blog site and read through several posts he’s put up. Also, I have ordered the follow up book We All Fall Down mainly because I wanted to see if Nic repaired his relationship with Spencer, his sponsor. Once I am finished reading this book I am going to get Beautiful Boy, the book David Sheff, Nic’s father wrote on his take with Nic’s drug problems.

Also this weekend, I read The Power of Six by Pitticus Lore. This book is the sequel in the I Am Number Four series. The series is about an alien race of people whose planet, Lorien, is taken over by another alien race, Mogadorians (Mogs for short) and the Loriens send 9 kids and 9 guardians to earth to escape the attacks. These 9 kids all have powers that they are supposed to one day use to take back their planet from the Mogs. However, they are not safe on earth because the Mogs know that they are blending in with society so, the Mogs send thousands of people to earth to hunt down these kids and their guardians. The kids all have numbers 1-9 and they are only able to be killed in numerical order, hence I Am Number Four. The beginning for I Am Number Four starts with “3 are dead, and I am number four.” This creates the entire plot for the series about John Smith a.k.a. Number Four and his guardian, Henri, hiding from the Mogs. When John and Henri move to a small town in Ohio they get way more then they were asking for, especially when John meets a new love interest.
The Power of Six is about Number Six and her journey to find her fellow Loriens and stay away from the Mogadorians. I don’t want to give too much away for anyone who may want to read the series. For those of who are romantics, action, sci-fi, and suspense lovers this is the perfect series for you to read!

Today, after the vocabulary quiz (word doesn’t let me abbreviate vocabulary) I started reading Bright Lights, Big City by Jay McInerney. Honestly this has to be one of the worst books I have ever started and will never finish. Yes, in my opinion it is that bad. Jay is living in New York and lives his life by always throwing a pity party. He has a great job at a prestigious magazine and a wife for a model who ended up leaving him and this turned his life upside down. Jay begins to drink, do drugs, slack off at work and ruin his entire career. His so called friend Tad is another contributor to this pity party. Tad won’t leave Jay alone until he is snorting drugs off of toilet seats in clubs. Jay talks about how he is the more stay at home and read a book guy then to go out and party every night. What bothers me most about this book is that Jay will not take his life into his own hands and live the way he wants. I’ve read 61 pages of this book and this is all I will be reading.

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